Pros & Cons of Linktree

Kati Stage
6 min readApr 27, 2021


Is Linktree a good thing?

And most importantly, should you be using it?

In this post, I’m going to go over the Pros and Cons of Linktree.

Let’s get started.

Purpose of Linktree

For those who didn’t know: Linktree is a tool that offers a customizable landing page.

Basically, it’s a single micro website with links to stuff that we want people to visit.

This can be to connect with us on our Social Media platforms, visit our websites, or other important links.

You can basically put anything that you want on your Linktree page which goes on the interwebs.

Then all you have to do is dive traffic to your Linktree to increase your social media following or visitors to your website(s) and even generate leads!

It gives your followers easy one-click access to ALL of those places so they can find your content.

But should you use Linktree?

Before we dive into the Pros & Cons, I’d like to let you know that I have built my own web pages, capture pages, sales pages, sales funnels, checkout pages, courses, workshops, etc., since 2015.

So if you are someone like me who loves to create truly customizable pages that stand out from the crowd, you’re going to love the alternative Linktree page I’m using. (but that’s at the end.)

But if you’re the non-techy type person, Linktree would be good for you because it’s super easy to use.

Either way, I have a special gift for you at the end so make sure you check out my alternative.

The decision to use Linktree is basically personal preference.

If you decide to use Linktree, cool!

And if you change your mind? Don’t worry! You aren’t married to it.

It’s easy to set up when you do find an alternative.

So here are some pros and cons of Linktree


Pro #1: It’s Free

…unless you opt into the Pro features — which is $6 a month.

Pro #2: One Page to Rule Them All

You get a single bio link that houses many other links to all of your content in one place.

Basically, you have one link that people visit to access all of your stuffs located in one place.

Definitely a one-stop-shop, so to speak.

Plus, you probably already know that Instagram only allows one link for your bio so this would be perfect!

Pro #3: Simple to Set Up & Share

You can quickly open a Linktree account and have your page set up and share it within 10 minutes!

It’s as simple as poting your account pic, typing in a few words, copy/pasting in your url, chose your colors and you’re done.

Then share your LinkTree with your followers.

Pro #4: Cool Stats

Linktree also provides you with some really cool stats to see how many clicks you’re getting and which url is visited most often.


Con #1: Limited Features

The free version has its limits.

Limited background, limited stats, you have to keep the Linktree logo on your page.

If you want the Linktree logo off, you have to pay.

So, why is that a con?

Well, you’re literally advertising link tree for free and not getting paid for it.

I don’t know about you but I prefer referral-based commissions.

Con #2: “The Middleman”

You can easily make your own landing page anywhere else using WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, etc. to drive traffic directly to your site instead of using a “middleman” site that could decrease your traffic.

Having Linktree as a “middleman” means that you may lose some clicks along the way as your readers might not want to keep clicking through to access to the content they want to get to.

Essentially, if you already have everything on your blog then why do you need Linktree, naaah-mean?

This brings me to the worst of it…

Con #3: Instagram Does Not Like Linktree (say whaaaat?)

Since 2018 (and still happening well in 2021), there has been growing concern is that Instagram has been marking some Linktree links as spam which can make your bio link non-clickable.


But why is this happening?

In my own personal experience, I was using a platform that housed all of my links. (pre-Linktree)

And just like Linktree, all the affiliates using this site were provided the same link.

The only difference was our name was added to the end.

Only I took it another step and masked my link with my own personal domain I bought on GoDaddy.

But that didn’t help.

Because back then, a lot of us didn’t know how to market correctly.

And the link the company provided us was used A LOT.

So much so that social media started to mark this main site as spam.

Long story short, my domain I bought on GoDaddy was blocked on Facebook.

Forever. (any ‘Sandlot’ fans? “foooorrreeeeevvverrrrrr”)

Fast forward a bit when I finally wised up and learn how to market for realzeez…

I used my domain to point to a well-respected site but it was still no good!

My domain was blocked!

There was no way I could ever get my link to work!

Because no matter what I used my domain for, Facebook didn’t allow it.

So three years later, in March 2020, I decided I wanted my domain to be on the good Grace of Facebook.

(I mean, this was the very first domain I ever bought and just CAN’T be blocked on FB!!!)

So enough was enough. I hired a guy to unblock my url from Facebook.

I transferred $197 via PayPal to a guy a barely knew — which I didn’t worry about because he guaranteed a full refund if it doesn’t work.

24 hours later it worked!!!

(btw they’re charging $297 now)

But what are the chances of your link getting blocked on social media?

Depends on your marketing habits.

And it depends if Instagram will like it or not. (this is totally open for a “that time of the month” joke but I won’t)

Con #4: Drowning in the Sea of Sameness

Some people feel (me included!) that the look of Linktree can negatively impact your brand and the curb appeal of your business.

Because now you’re drowning in the sea of sameness.

So back to the question that got me thinking: is Linktree a good thing?

And I’ll say this: Linktree’s concept is good — it’s a great actually: the idea of routing all of your readers and followers to one place so they can easily find all of your social links, your websites, your content?

It’s a pretty sweet concept.

It’s especially a good idea if you have no choice in only use one link in your bio — such as the case with Instagram.

(unless they decide they don’t because, you know, it’s “that time of the month” for them and they get all temperamental and stuffs)

This brings me to my Linktree alternative IF you want to see it and IF you like the idea where it’s completely 100% most positively customizable.

Here’s it is:

My Linktree Alternative

Again, if you have your own website or blogger platforms like WordPress Squarespace or Wix or whatever, you can probably accomplish the same look, the same goals, the same concept as Linktree — if not better — to show off your links and content.

Plus if you can customize the pages as you wish, you can avoid some of those limitations and extra expenses using Linktree.

You don’t need it if you can already create it with what you already have.

All in all, we can agree that the concept of Linktree can be useful.

HOWEVAH… I’d like to show you my Linktree alternative.

Just click play on the video below and I’ll show you what I created:

So, do you use Linktree?

Whether you do or not, gimme a comment and let me know why or why you don’t use Linktree.

XOXO | Kati Stage

PS — Would you like to learn how to use the internet to grow your business much faster online without hounding friends & family? GET A BUSINESS PLAN THAT WON’T DRIVE YOU TO DRINK.



Kati Stage
Kati Stage

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